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Murrang Musings

Julia Jasonsmith
Jun 5, 20235 min read
Blind spots in pollution assessment and management
The challenges faced by people working in pollution and contamination science and what to do about them.
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Julia Jasonsmith
May 1, 20239 min read
Six things people get wrong about chemicals
Six common misconceptions about chemicals and the risks they do and don't present to human health and the environment.
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Julia Jasonsmith
Apr 4, 20233 min read
We’re locked in, people
In this blog, I use roads as a seemingly benign product that exemplifies societal dependence on synthetic chemicals.
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Julia Jasonsmith
Feb 10, 20234 min read
We can fix this…except…
The story of regrettable substitution is bigger and more complex than one chemical replacing another. It also involves behavioural change.
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